zaterdag 27 december 2008

Global warming

Agency: Armada, Creative director: Marko Miladinovic, Martin Mol, Art director: Teja Klec, Copywriter: Martin Mol

Unicef - tsunami

Voice over: Tsunami affected 1.5 million children. Unicef is helping them. Support us. Call the blue number and ask for the bill. Thank you.

Agency: Futura DDB, Creative director: Zoran Gabrijan, Art director: Miha Grobler, Copywriter: Martin Mol

Mercedes-Benz - Golf happens

Mercedes Benz car sponsors Golf tournaments in Slovenia. We have made removable transparent stickers with a "window hole" printed on and the headline "Golf happens". We have put these stickers on cars of competitive brands who where parked on the parking places in the surrounding of the golf tournaments. The backside of the stickers, which invites you for a test-drive in a Mercedes B, has been put under the windshields.
Agency: Arnoldvuga, Creative director: Radovan Arnold, Martin Mol, Art director: Barbara Hiti, Copywriter: Martin Mol, Tomaz Apohal


Agency: Armada, Creative director: Darko Miladinovic, Martin Mol, Art director: Darko Miladinovic, Copywriter: Martin Mol

Mercedes-Benz Trucks

Agency: Flem, Creative director: Herman Feberwee, Art director: Hans van Ingen, Copywriter: Martin Mol

Drink & Drive

We asked famous sports people to give a body part for a Drink & Drive campaign. Yes, we destroyed all the people hero’s. The subject of the advertising is the biggest provocation.
1. Urška Žolnir – Olympic bronze medal winner, 3rd place world championship & 1st place worldgrand prix.

2. Jure Šebalj – Croatian most successful rally driver.
3. Luka Špik – Olympic silver and gold medal winner, world championship silver and gold medal winner.
4. Marko Milic – Slovene NBA basketball player.

Agency: Imelda Ogilvy
Creative director: Ladeja Kosir, Martin Mol
Art director: Barbara Hiti, Martin Mol
Copywriter: Martin Mol, Tomaz Apohal
Photographer: Borut Peterlin

Oil of Olaz

Agency: Martin Mol Concepts, Creative Director: Dennis Zijlstra, Martin Mol, Art director: Dennis Zijlstra (freelance), Copywriter: Martin Mol

Vecer Newspaper

Agency: Publicis, Creative director: Mitja Petrovic, Art director: , Copywriter: Martin Mol

Cockta Light

Agency: Futura DDB, Creative director: Zoran Gabrijan, Marko Vicic, Art director: Miha Grobler, Copywriter: Martin Mol

Croky Inhaker

Agency: More, Creative director: Minco Trip, Art director: Marjan, Copywriter: Martin Mol

Cockta Light

Agency: Futura DDB, Creative director: Zoran Gabrijan, Marko Vicic, Art director: Miha Grobler, Copywriter: Martin Mol